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Sterile Single-use Disposable Needles

All NZASA members are recognised by the NZ Blood Donor Service. Therefore all NZASA members are required to use sterile, single-use disposable needles as per sections C & E of the NZASA Codes of Safe Practice for Acupuncturists, and sections 13.3 of the NZASA Codes of Ethics.

This search facility is provided to help you find a Chinese medicine practitioner in your area. All registered NZASA members are listed in this Register. If you wish to be treated by a practitioner who is an ACC Treatment Provider, please ask the practitioner about this when you contact them.

To find a practitioner near you, please use the Key Word search in the column to the left. Once the search is complete, please click on the name of the practitioner to view their details.

All annual registrations are presumed to run from 1 April through 31 March.


First Name Surname Practice Name City Membership Status
Hannah Kim Auckland Active
Ta-Wei (David) Wang Accent Therapy Auckland Active
Hsun-wen Tsai Auckland Active
Katie (longjiao) Cheng Katie Auckland Active
Yun-Ju CHEN Auckland Active
LI FANG Auckland Active
Sang Hyun JANG Auckland Active
Im Baek PEUN Auckland Active
Taejong YOO Auckland Active
Annika Hilton GLOWbody Auckland Active
Fang Chang Auckland Active
Yi-Lun Lin Auckland Active
June Poh-Suan EE Auckland Active
Beiting REN Auckland Active
Selina CHENG Auckland Active
Marija Violet POOL Auckland Active
Xunyi FU Auckland Active
Hio Wei Auckland Active
Ting ZHANG Auckland Active
Xiaoyu Bi Auckland Active